July 12, 2024

On July 10, thanks to Dylan Avery, he found a link, I watched the Canadian Broadcasting Co’s (cbc) Sunday Special, 9/11: Truth, Lies and Conspiracy for the first time in something like 14 years. https://truthlink.info/the-canadian-broadcasting-company-9-11-truth-lies-and-conspiracy/

Dylan began his email with Testing, testing because the powers that be blocked our attempts to email each the afternoon before, July 9. Yes, they can do that.

In the cbcnews “Special”, Popular Mechanic’s editor Jim liar for hire Meigs opened with: We’ve been covering things like how buildings are built and what happens when planes crash for 100 years. So we thought we were well situated to really look into this and see is there any truths to any of these claims?

“…how buildings are built and what happens when planes crash for 100 years.” When I searched: planes or jets crashing into skyscrapers, 9/11 and July 28, 1948, when a U.S. Airforce https://www.yahoo.com/news/other-time-plane-crashed-york-174849706.html
Mitchell B-24 bomber flew into the Empire State Building hitting the 79th and 80th floors are the only two times!!!


So why didn’t Meigs or the special’s host, Evan Solomon, discuss the Fact the Empire State Building is still standing?! All WE see on television are occasional half-truths followed by a never-ending stream of lies; one after another. Because that’s their job, and they are well paid.

Another interviewed by cbcnews besides Dylan Avery, was 9/11 commission co-chair Lee council on foreign relations member (cfr), bilderberg, trilateral commission Hamilton. The cfr’s membership list is on our homepage; the cfr pack posts that info themselves.

https://publicintelligence.net/1997-bilderberg-meeting-participant-list/ Hamilton knows he was a war mongering bilderberg in 1997 with Colin Powell, Sharon (PBS) Rockefeller, former senator (Georgia) Sam Nunn, Lesley “National Affairs Correspondent, CBS” Stahl, Henry loved a mass murder Kissinger and Canadians including Conrad “Chairman, The Telegraph plc” Black and David “Political Commentator” Frum etc. etc. etc. Thats just a handful of the bastards & bitches who control the flow of information WE The People receive.

The other https://publicintelligence.net/1989-bilderberg-meeting-participant-list/ 9/11 commission co-chair, Thomas liar for hire Kean, is another war mongering bilderberg.
Some likeminded pals with Kean in La Toja, Spain include then Texas senator Lloyd cfr  Bentsen, Canada’s Conrad media mogul Black; Kissinger; long time Clinton family pal Vernon alfalfa club Jordan; (Bill was a bilderberg in 1991); the UK’s Andrew media mogul, chatham house hyena Knight; Canada’s Paul “Chief of the Defense Staff” Manson; Lesley cbs news Stahl and Charles “Adviser, American Friends of Bilderberg, Inc” Muller etc. etc. etc. For those unaware the americans friends of bilderberg, inc is an irs approved 501(3) screw The People entity!!! Now many Readers have a better understanding as to why they had never heard of the bilderberg pack before TRUTH LINK set up shop to help educate All of US.

At https://alfalfaarchive.smugmug.com/Alfalfa-Dinners/2002-Alfalfa-Club-Dinner/Crop/i-c9Nh9b2/A notice the alfalfa club pack give a rousing, black-hearted ovation in January 2002, to Bush’s national security advisor on 9/11,  war monger Condoleezza loves a mass murder, bilderberg, cfr, trilateral Rice.

Please open https://alfalfaarchive.smugmug.com/Alfalfa-Dinners lots of SmugMug photo links

Look for yourselves at the rotten to their cores, democrats and republicans, the two-party system players who laugh at You behind Your backs.

Tomorrow we will focus on why the “hi-jackers” were all from Saudia Arabia, who, with the English, are the two sorriest royal families fouling CREATOR’S Earth.

Sleep well