Monday, September 16, 2024
Part 1

Since it is Monday, and since Roone Arledge is considered the “father” of Monday night football, who believes it is a random coincidence Arledge is a former council on foreign relations board of director’s member? Doubters should open the link: Historical Roster of Directors and Officers | Council on Foreign Relations (

Part of the black-hearts game within a game is to keep folks entertained on trivial matters instead of focusing on, paying attention to what I term The Big Picture. And the goal of the powers that be, is the total enslavement of Mankind.

Ladies and gentlemen, Dr. Sutton’s straight to the point words in 1972 apply today, because His Irrefutable Research has been covered-up; and like Antony: I am not a politician. I am not going to tell you what you want to hear. My job is to give you facts. Whether you like or dislike what I say doesn’t concern me.

I took down the trilateral commission in September 2021 all by myself and that pack of wolves didn’t re-post their website until March or April 2022. And when they did, the information I backed them into a corner over, has been removed; cannot be read anymore. These packs are powerful, but their arrogance will be their downfall.

The trilateral pack still posts the basics.

The Trilateral Commission is a global membership organization that for decades has brought together senior policymakers, business leaders, and representatives of media and academe to discuss and propose solutions to some of the world’s toughest problems. Founded in 1973 by David Rockefeller, the Commission has long been an important venue to incubate ideas and form relationships across sectors and geographies.

And realize they are just people, nothing more, and it’s way past time to accept the Fact every trilateral wolf’s heart is blacker than the ace of spades. Food for thought, who besides the guvments of Mexico and America protect the cash cow drug cartels Hint, everybody in Mexico knows the answer(s) to the question.

When I started posting information in 2013, which no one had posted before, since then lots of pertinent info has been removed from the cfr rat’s website, the chatham house of hyena’s website and the trilateral wolf pack’s.

Only the war mongering bilderbergs’ site is for the most part unchanged. If you are new to this site, please open the bilderberg’s former steering committee members list FORMER STEERING COMMITTEE MEMBERS ( to see for yourself dr. Henry Kissinger’s and former senator George Mitchell’s names. As those two liars for hire were the first two bastards trotted out by republican George skull & bones Bush junior and his pack mate, democrat John skull & bones Kerry to lead the 9/11 commission.

Question: who believes it is a coincidence the eventual 9/11 co-chairs, Kean and Hamilton, along with the commission’s executive director, Zelikow, are bilderbergs themselves? Bilderberg Meetings Participant Lists 1954-2023 | Public Intelligence Thomas republican Kean was a bilderberg in 1989 and Lee democrat Hamilton was a bilderberg in 1997. And let the record show Zelikow is a multiple time bilderberg!!!

And where things stand now, if they pull the plug on their sites in an attempt to hide the info, which they themselves posted, that would be surrender. So they have no choice but to remain online and continue taking a butt-kicking, up one side of Pennsylvania Ave. and down the other.