October 23 & 24, 2024
Unlike most I can Cowboy and I can Indian, and today was one of the Best Days I have had in a long time. I took a short drive to Dr. George Washington Carver’s boyhood home in Diamond, MO, and went for a walk in the same woods he did as a boy.
This morning I read something I want to share – Dr. G. W. Carver: Most of my life, I have risen at four in the morning and gone for a walk in the woods to talk to the Creator. (1935)
If you have never studied the Great Man, Dr. George Washington Carver, please take the time to do so, as it is time well spent. If Real History is important to you buying a copy of Bill Federer’s AMERICA’S GOD And COUNTRY: Encyclopedia of Quotations is money well spent. Bill included quite a bit about Dr. Carver in his Magnus Opus.
Later he published GEORGE WASHINGTON CARVER-His Life & Faith In His Own Words. Atheists some folks do talk GOD and, in my case, and Dr. Carver’s case there are times when CREATOR has something to say.
The first time I heard CREATOR or GOD speak – I was Burkina Faso, West Africa in 2002, when a Clear Distinct Voice said to me – Look for the lion.
At the time 6 or 7 of us were tracking a wounded lion, my first shot had been a touch low, and my next shot was after he had charged – coming to kill me – as it should be, which was after we had stared into the other’s eyes for the second time. I made that shot count, a well-placed 375 hits hard, and a Brave Hearted Lion was knocked over backwards – and onto his back. In an instant Simba was back up on His feet, Roaring in Rage.
Right after, Boom, the PH Moomoonie Dermi engaged with his 375. Boom, my next shot passed through that Brave Hearted, Battling Forward, Lion’s mane & neck, but I missed Simba’s spine. That’s where we are going to leave things for now except for; including the moment Simba charged the next 15 seconds were in slow motion. For some that may be hard to believe, however it is what it is.
The second time I heard CREATOR, HE said: Everything is okay, she is with ME. The time frame was late December 2006 or January 2007.
Meaning Beatrice Busch, who is the Love of my life, was under HIS Protection. CREATOR knew I was concerned for Beaty’s safety and getting angrier by the day. I had reached the point I was going to pick up my 375 and start killing till I found her.
The third time GOD Spoke to me was 3 or 4 days later, and HE was angry: I have told you she is with ME!!! Now settle down boy, and think this through!!!
And please understand this was happening after the powers that be had damn near killed me in Mena, Arkansas on November 9th, 2006. When clowns on a guvment payroll tried to crack open my head. I took blow after blow on the top and back of my head, the only places I was struck. It happened after dusk early night and I was doing just fine with those in front of me, but you can’t guard your front and back at the same time, that’s impossible. I woke up the next morning inside Mena’s hospital with a brand-new mountain range of knots on my head. And since I have a playful nature when it suits, that morning the definition of a “knot-head” was me. I wish I had pictures to show you. :)
The fourth time CREATOR Spoke to me, HE said in a gentle voice but firm voice: You are MY Eagle, son. (pause) And I want them to know it. The MOST HIGH Told me that around two weeks after HIS Stern Correction.
Bottom line: CREATOR Knows if anyone harms those I love, I’m coming to kill any and all who might profit from that act of murder. Along those lines I have a vengeful nature, which will turn into a cold, calculating, brain engaged rage if I feel a loved one is threatened.
Another Fact: I am a Christian Man, was born-again June 7, 1992, and The Good Book makes it crystal clear: there is a time to kill.
And that scripture is printed in the exact same Bible this gone to hell country’s Founders read. They Were Men and GOD Knows Better Than I the differences between the Founders and Patriots Washington, Adams, Jefferson & Madison and Citizen murdering, cover-up scum like Clinton, Bush, Obama & Biden.
Let me ask those who say or believe GOD put Donald Trump in the oval office. Did he reveal President Kennedy’s murders? No. Did Donald risk his life again to tell you the truth about 9/11? No. Did he recall the military? No. And don’t forget opium production reached an all-time high in Afghanistan while Trump sat in the oval office. Like or hate me, You the People need to smoke on that a while.
There are four reasons why I like former President Trump, Donald is not a racist.
He is the only politician I’m aware of who questioned the wolves’ 9/11 bullshit. I listened to him on fox question bones toy’s birth certificate. And last but by no means least, Donald proved to me he can actually spell bravery, but not with a capital B.
Folks can you imagine the screams, squawks and wailing if one of the rotten to their core four had been nicked on the ear by a fragment? Hell certified scum like them would have degreed martial law in a New York minute.
Is Trump going to end fractional banking? No. Did he pull up by their roots the ivy leagues’ secret societies and show them to you? No. And I can promise everyone when I weeded the gravel driveway in front of the barn at Cismont Manor, without gloves, which hadn’t been weeded since my Dad left four years earlier, it was a carpet of grass & weeds, I’ve pulled more weeds with bleeding, raw fingers in three plus weeks than Trump has pulled his whole life. That I am sure you can bank on. (I kept it weeded the rest of my years living there.)
Besides, Donald is ivy league, he’s a graduate of penn’s wharton business school.
Secret Societies – Ivy League Secret Societies Posted Aug. 2016, please read the section about ivy league penn – University of Pennsylvania: the Sphinx
Although senior societies at Penn aren’t as important or entrenched in campus culture as they are at some other Ivy League institutions, the university does have at least three: the Sphinx, the Friars Senior Society, and the Mortar Board. Of the three, the Sphinx is considered the most prestigious, tapping between 25 and 30 new members—called Sphinges—in their junior year. Founded in 1900, in 1952 the Sphinx became Penn’s first senior society to admit African-Americans; it went co-ed in 1971.
Famous Members: John Legend, Richard A. Clarke, Jeffrey Goldberg, Jon Huntsman, Sr.
Please read the entire very informative piece, thank you.
Video Gallery – Stand for the Truth: A Government Researcher Speaks Out Mankind, please watch for Yourselves beginning at 29 seconds, see Richard “Dick” Clarke looking into a camera while howling: Could one use a controlled demolition on any building? Sure. Did it happen to WTC7 on 9/11? No it did not.
Those are his words not mine. Do you remember Dick Clark’s title on 9/11? I had to track it myself, however he has a very recognizable face. That bastard was Bush’s & Cheney’s counterterrorism czar.
Now let’s All come to a Clear Understanding – this is not the time to pick up a rifle, shotgun or pistol. The posts, books and videos at our website contain all the weapons and ammo, the info the Well Meaning need to Free Yourselves.
You are the Difference Makers. What this country lacks is Leadership in The Right Way, meaning The Red Way. It is up to you to decide if I have been tested in battle and found worthy to lead.
When my youngest, Donald Puzin Motch, was around two weeks old, late November 1998, I lifted him above my head and made a Vow I cannot break. I give YOU, my all LORD, I give YOU my life.
I asked GOD to send others to watch over Donald and raise him because I was sure I would not survive the next month. I wouldn’t see January 1999. I was sure I was a dead man walking, but you see there are things worth dying for besides your children, giving your life so they might live. Most understand that much at least.
I went to war in the effort to restore AMERICA while trying at the same time to avenge President John Kennedy’s public execution. To me seemed the Right Thing to do. Jack took the bullets trying to keep this land out of Vietnam. He was withdrawing the “advisors”. Stars and Strips had printed the first 1,000 would be home by Christmas.
What was the first thing Johnson signed? He cancelled Jack’s troop withdrawal. CREATOR knew then, my thinking then – my life for Your Lives is a Good Trade.
Ladies and Gentlemen, nothing has changed. Washington, Adams, Jefferson and Madison pledged Their Lives, Fortunes and Sacred Honor. The Founders are my role models in that sense. And Sir Antony Sutton is my role model while I track wolves trying to pass themselves off as church centered quality people.
I got this and I know what I’m doing. I also want to say: There by the Grace of GOD go I. And I know The MOST HIGH Has Always Been With me, even in the Darkest Times.
The last time I’d seen or talked to Beaty was in St. Louis in late May 1976. I was in St. Louis to take care of an errand Mom had asked to handle for her while driving back to Virginia after the spring semester at New Mexico State University in Las Cruces, NM.
I didn’t see Beatrice again until after Mom had passed on September 21, 2001. Beaty and her husband were walking towards the front steps at Cismont Manor Farm, when I was walking out the front door, had gone into the house to regain my composure after the service at Grace Church. Where at least 800 to 1,000 had gathered, both black and white, the church was filled inside and hundreds more were outside to pay Their Respects to my Precious Mother, Mrs. Sallie Marie Busch Motch, later Wheeler.
When I saw Beaty walking towards the house, my heart darn near Leaped out of my chest. That has never happened before and never happened since.
At the time of her passing, Miss Sallie was the Most Respected Horsewoman in this nation. My Dad, the late Mr. Donald Robertson McBain Motch was perhaps the Finest All-Around Horseman this country ever produced. Will type more of Mr. Bobby’s many accomplishments before I’ve laid done my pen, my sword, my keyboard.
Please take the time to read about Mom’s Giving Nature. Mom gave me some real compliments during the later years of Her Life. One of the best: Of all my children, you are the most like me.

A brief side note to set the record straight, my Dad won classes at Madison Square Garden in NYC years before my stepfather did. The photo taken inside MSG in1957 is the proof, a proof my three younger half-brothers Little Kenny, Cappy and Douglas needed to see for themselves. Another fact, my Dad hired Kenny and taught him quite a bit before Dad left Cismont Manor and my parents divorced.
I am a Busch, My maternal Grandfather ran Anheuser-Busch, president and CEO from 1934 until Adolphus passed in 1946, cerebral hemorrhage. And I am Proud to carry his name, Robert Adolphus Motch.
His Grandfather, the patriarch of the Busch family in America, Adolphus Busch Sr., immigrated from Germany, wore Union blue in The War Between the States. Adolphus signed up and did his duty as he saw fit as a private. Have tracked but I cannot find the proof if Adolphus was a participant in The Battle at Carthage, Missouri, July 5, 1861 – one of the first serious engagements of that war.
Was I raised as another spoiled, rich kid? No I wasn’t, I started working for my spending money when I was 10, working 8 hours a day ($.25 an hour) pulling weeds and working in the barn. One of the proudest moments of my life was buying my very own Zebco 33 rod & reel combination inside the Downtown Athletic Store (then owned by the Deans) on Main Street in Charlottesville.
Motch money raised me, that was part of the divorce. Dad gave Mom a large slice of his Motch inheritance to raise my sister Little Sallie and me. She and I were raised at no cost to Mom. And I didn’t have Busch money to spend until Big Sallie passed and I very much appreciated the 10% Mom left me. I was far from Mom’s favorite, but at the same time the only son Sallie respected as a Father, Horseman and Stand-Up Man.
I am proud Mom left me two of her cherished possessions, she kept them on display for all to see in the hallway leading from the Library to the Game Room, walls filled with pictures and hunting trophies from here and Africa. Her – John “Duke” Wayne Commemorative Winchester Rifle, and a John Duke Wayne Colt Commemorative Pistol. She left me another rifle I never knew she had, a Larry Bird Commemorative Winchester. She knew who the athlete the family was. I could run backwards faster than my brothers could running forwards. :)
Plus at 50, I still played basketball above the rim, and blacks and whites at the YMCA in Carthage (spring 2007) know I’ve typed another Truth. At 6-2, I was still a rebounding, shot blocking force to be dealt with. And as kindly as I can type it, in their prime only Cappy could touch the rim and he is 6-5.
Now let’s please refocus on the mass murderers Bush and Cheney.
I’ve never lost any sleep over the mountain range of knots on my head and both George and Dick know I wasn’t the least bit intimidated. And to me the humor is – it took those idiots 13 days to cover their tracks.
Folks only GOD Knows how much I would have enjoyed being a fly on an oval office wall and watched George read the email I sent him and trilateral Cheney around five days after they tried to take me out, which was after the first phone call I received from Allied Insurance.
The first call from Allied was made by a pleasant young woman, she named the price Allied wanted to pay for the totaled Kia Sportage, frame was bent upon impact. I said that’s too low, and I won’t settle for less than $8,500. After that I asked her do you have a copy of the police report? Because the first person I saw in the hospital other than a nurse was a cop from Mena’s pd and what he said didn’t make a lick of sense, other than tell me where the car had been towed. The rest of it was bullshit, plain and simple.
I was hit, t-boned – driver’s side door post by a large vehicle with a cowcatcher shaped in a V mounted on the front end, and the driver didn’t turn on his lights until he was really close. The lights came on and I was just starting to turn my head towards the bright, right beside me lights, when WHAM – T-bone time.
Fact: skull junior’s hands were tied, he couldn’t make a move until the police report lined up with insurance adjuster’s report, because the two reports were total opposites. The Adjuster’s report was the Truth, one point of impact, I was t-boned driver’s side door post. The police report listed three different points of impact – hit a pole, ran into a car at an intersection, made-up bullshit.
It took another 8 days before they could change the Adjuster’s report and I was told during a phone call from Allied Insurance on Nov. 21st, and after I asked about the differences in the two reports? She said: Now, they read the same.
Plan to type more tonight. I hope I’ve made myself clear to Readers. Will ask my Webmaster’s opinion after Brave Hearted Diana reads this. If there are points to clarify she will bring them to my attention.