August 22, 2024

At the cnp website feel free to look around as they want You The People to believe they are the finest of individuals and organizations, which of course is a damn lie.

If that wasn’t the case the cnp would have taken a serious look at 9/11 after the first internet block-buster LOOSE CHANGE took the national media to how can we discredit Dylan Avery and his friends – all hands-on board mode. Hence the release of propaganda pieces like the Canadian Broadcasting Company’s bullshit.

Millions watched Loose Change and those millions knew All of US had been lied too. It is the go to for Everyone’s Initial Education into the lies & omissions spewed by the “congressional inquiry” back in 2002, and later in 2004 when the bilderbergs, trilateral wolves and council on foreign relations rats Hamilton, Kean and Zelikow published their bullshit under the mantle: National Commission on Terrorists Attacks Upon the United States

“…a handful of men and women, individuals of character, had a vision. A vision to see the return of righteousness, justice, and truth to our great nation.” Ronald Reagan, Remarks to CNP’s 10th Anniversary Celebration

The Council for National Policy (CNP) brings together the country’s most influential conservative leaders in business, government, politics, religion, and academia to hear and learn from policy experts on a wide range of issues. In addition, we provide a forum that allows an open exchange between participants, presenting numerous opportunities to cultivate ideas to help solve America’s growing problems.

To help educate the American public, CNP hosts an online journal of speaker presentations called Policy Counsel. This incredible resource features the best and brightest minds on economics, defense and foreign policy, and social issues. To access these speeches, click here.

“CNP Action, Inc. has the ear of the nation’s most influential conservative leaders and works to provide information and encourage their action on significant legislative issues.” Edwin Meese III Former U.S. Attorney General

“CNP Action congregates the top political minds of the right to discuss today’s pressing issues and create strategic plans to influence public policy.  Their work is imperative to strengthening the movement and spreading conservative values.” CHARLIE KIRK Founder and Executive Director • Turning Point USA

Why CNP Action, Inc. needs its own money…

Since CNP is educational and non-political, dues are fully tax deductible under the IRS Code Sec. 501(c)(3).

Since CNP Action, Inc. IS political, contributions are not tax deductible under the IRS Code Sec. 501(c)(4).

CNP Action, Inc. is a (c)(4)…because we discuss what we must do.

CNP is educational, because we discuss what we must know.

With a gift to CNP Action, Inc., you afford CNP Action, Inc. to host the interactive Action Sessions at each CNP meeting. Speakers and attendees of these sessions strategize together on pubic policy issues and then agree upon a path of action to maximize impact.

Thank you for partnering with CNP Action, Inc. to strengthen the conservative movement and the future of our nation!

Myself, I hate, for all the right reasons, organizations and their members who have chosen to cover-up September 11, 2001, when America’s secret society dominated guvment mass murdered thousands of Well-Meaning Citizens.

Board of Trustees | The Heritage Foundation Ed spade and grave digger Meese has also played a leading role inside the conniving heritage foundation where he still wears the mantle:  SOCIETY OF EMERITUS TRUSTEES exactly like his pal Steve alfalfa club member Forbes.

When the alfalfa pack dined in 2011, Forbes sat at table 9 with Colin bilderberg, then council on foreign relations director, owl pack Powell and Donald then cfr member, bilderberg, owl pack Rumsfeld, a member of crooked ivy league princeton’s cap & gown. Two of Ed owl Meese’s long time black-hearted pals at bohemian grove. Historical Roster of Directors and Officers | Council on Foreign Relations (

Ladies and Gentlemen, I know why the much a-do-about nothing heritage foundation has been mute about 9/11 and now Readers of this do too.

Sisters and Brothers, the same applies to bastard & bitch filled council for national policy.

Sleep Well