Friday and Saturday, September 27 & 28, 2024
Part 1
Please open 28/alfalfa-club-president- john-kerry-remarks a very informative read. A little something to file away is George skull Bush jr. started dining with the alfalfas when George bones Bush sr. was president. https://alfalfaarchive. 1990-Alfalfa-Club-Dinner/ Members-and-Guests/i-tFJXTqS/A And junior has missed very few diners since his days riding his father’s coattails.
At the first link you’ll learn the alfalfa’s outgoing and incoming president, plus the new invitees for 2018, normally 8 or 10 each year. Notice for yourself who the black-hearts are, their names, the industries represented, especially the bankers – modern day gangsters and the collective power they wield.
- Apple CEO Tim Cook
- Rep. Debbie Dingell (D-Mich.)
- Lazard chairman and CEO Ken Jacobs
- Secretary of Defense James Mattis
- James Murdoch, CEO of 21st Century Fox
- Sen. Rob Portman (R- Ohio)
- Jerome Powell, incoming Federal Reserve chair
- Ginni Rometty, chairman, president and CEO of IBM
Anthony Welters, executive chairman, BlackIvy Group
That is vice-president on 9/11, former cfr director, former trilateral wolf, Dick alfalfa pack member Cheney on the far left.
Trilateral Commission Membership 2007 | PDF | Center For Strategic And International Studies | Brookings Institution ( Below the North American Group and under heading – Former Members In Public Service
Richard B. Cheney, Vice President of the United States
Paula J. Dobriansky, U.S. Under Secretary of State for Global Affairs
Luis Téllez, Secretary of Communications and Transport of Mexico
Robert B. Zoellick, President, World Bank
Please look at the poppy/opium production under then sec. of defense James Mattis’s, former general officer (Marine Corps) and the Trump administration’s protective eyes. The paragraphs and the graph below are 100% Factual. Most have no idea how badly THEY are lied too on a daily basis regardless of whether a democrat or republican is sitting in the oval office. Page 5
In 2023 opium poppy cultivation and opium production dramatically declined after the ban prohibiting “Poppy Cultivation and All types of Narcotics” was announced by the de-facto authorities (DfA) in April 2022
Opium poppy cultivation dramatically declined across all parts of the country and almost entirely in some provinces where opium poppy was illicitly cultivated for many years. Nationally, area under cultivation declined by 95% to a total of just 10,800 ha, indicating that farmers were adhering to the ban that was announced in April 2022.
Consequently, this has reduced the supply of opium and export quality heroin coming out of the 2023 harvest. Opium production saw a similar 95% decline from 6,200 tons produced in 2022 to 333 tons in 2023. The total 2023 opium harvest could be converted into 24-38 tons heroin of export quality (50 – 70% purity). In 2022 that amount was 350-580 tons.

Ladies and Gentlemen, look at every year beginning in 2002 and ending in 2022. Now how many of you are shocked? If You Only Knew. v=UsqO2LIoBY4 Watch for yourself the military guarding poppy/opium fields in Afghanistan.