Wednesday, Oct. 16, 2024 Since the Archive is back up let’s open the 2011 alfalfa pack scum bag diners and focus on the brass & ring knockers.
In alphabetical order: gen. James Amos – USMC commandant; ret. col. John Bourgeois – director emeritus USMB; gen. James Cartwright – vice-chairman joint chiefs of staff; gen. Peter Chiarelli – army vice-chief of staff; major Alex Cross – USMR congressional fellow; admiral Thomas Hayward – fmr. chief of naval operations; admiral James Holloway – fmr. chief of naval operations; ret. gen. James bilderberg Jones – marine commandant on 9/11 and national security advisor (Obama); ret. gen. Paul Kelly – fmr. marine commandantdishonorable Ray liar for hire lawyer Mabus – sec. of navy (Obama); admiral  Mike Miller – superintendent Annapolis; admiral Michael Mullen – chairman joint chiefs of staff; ret. gen. Peter Pace – fmr. chairman joint chiefs of staff (Bush jr., replaced gen. Myers); admiral Robert Papp jr. – commandant coast guard; ret. gen. Colin bilderberg Powell – sec. of state on 9/11; dishonorable Donald bilderberg Rumsfeld – sec. of defense on 9/11; gen. Norton Schwartz – air force chief of staff; army col. Dr. Janet Southby ret.; admiral Kirk Unruh ret. – recording sec. princeton and last on the 2011 list is gen. John Vessey ret.- former chairman joint chiefs of staff during Reagan’s days in the oval office.  
Who believes one of them could spell integrity, whether dead or alive? Answer – that’s already been Proven – not a damn one, as the deceased had more than 10 years to come clean. Fuck James Jones and every other field grade officer who has dined with the alfalfas since the military helped murder President John F. Kennedy in 1963. And collectively, all of you CITIZEN murdering bastards can pucker up and kiss My Ass!!!

From My Red Heart to your black-hearts, FUCK you!!!

Neither Obama or Kerry dined with the alfalfa pack in 2011, however Obama handler Austan skull & bones Goolsbee did. His title in Jan. 2011 – chairman, white house council of economic advisers. In other words, Goolsbee was in charge of where the money went. How many would like to wager on Goolsbee, a damn bilderberg in 2012 Austan Goolsbee – Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago (, who currently heads Chicago’s federal reserve bank, will be trotted out to run for president in say 12 years?

Who packed the satchels for bones Goolsbee & John skull Kerry before those two were shuttled daily to the Mariott in Chantily, VA for bilderberg 2012? I may be wrong, but I believe it was president Barack bones’ bitch Obama. Most have no clue as to how the skull pack has run things in this gone to hell country for the last 140 years.

Am positive Eric pop goes the weasel Holder packed the bags and briefcase for assistant attorney general Christine Varney before she flew to Spain for bilderberg 2010 and again in 2011 when the warmongers held their gathering in Switzerland. Where is Holder today? Just another liar for hire, “law partner” inside the Washington office of harold pratt house & chatham house sponsor Covington & Burling. 
Years ago in a post, I asked Holder was the band playing pop goes the weasel when as the acting attorney general, he pulled his head  out of George skull junior’s ass (Pop!) to make room for John st. elmo Ashcroft, to stick his head up Bush’s ass? 
For some that may be on the crude side, but it is what it is. As I know Ashcroft damn well packed the briefcases for two damn assistant attorney generals in 2002. 2002 Bilderberg Meeting Participant List | Public Intelligence Please open the link and study the names and job descriptions; there in lays the clues to the war in Iraq. How support for that war was drummed up, while the heads of the democrat and republican parties were marching up and down congressional hallways carrying out Bush’s and Kerry’s demands which had been howled by Rumsfeld: “Terry McAuliffe and Mark Racicot, I have orders from the top, you two get us the votes for a war in Iraq. Bottom line, don’t fuck this up because there is Real Money to be made.”

Since the democratic national committee chairman in 2002, Terry McAuliffe did such a good job, I’ll wager he received an invitation to join the alfalfa pack. Lots of pics are here Alfalfa Club Dinners – Alfalfa Archive ( so please look through them.

Ladies and Gentlemen, the most Decorated Marine in the history of the Corps, one of the Bravest Men America ever produced, Major General Smedley Butler, wrote a booklet in 1931 titled War Is A Racket. It’s a no-brainer why General Butler isn’t mentioned in the American historical association’s history books, due to the aha’s first president is Andrew skull & bones, class of 1853 White. Our history books have been ivy league controlled since 1885, and four years later the aha received a  congressional charter to further promote lies while intentionally misleading the screwed over time and again, American People.

warisaracket ( Sadly, most have never heard that Great Man’s name, or that General Butler penned a 12-page Book, All of US should read. The most informative anti-war booklet ever printed.