July 25, 2024

For a website to be up and running for only 15 days, we have to be doing something right because we were hacked by clowns on at least one u.s. guvment payroll less than two weeks after setting up operations. Had to be cia, dia, fbi, nsa or oni, office of naval intelligence etc. etc.

Ten minutes after my Webmaster posted July 23, 2024, I noticed links had been changed in this paragraph:

For those unaware major gen. Edward Lansdale oversaw that cia black op as the “action officer”. Readers, Lansdale received his second star and retired in late October 1963. I’ll provide the proof, which the damned guvment knows I have in a different email note when the time is right. Home (archive.org) The proof, letters between lt. gen Victor 3-star Krulak and Colonel Fletcher Prouty were posted years ago at littlebobby.net. Doubters can ask Krulak’s son, retired lt. gen. Charles C. Krulak, a current council on foreign relations, cfr member. https://www.cfr.org/membership/roster Please save the links provided among your Favorites.

And the littlebobby.net link had been changed to Home (https://littlebobby.net) Am curious to see where the hacked links will take Readers now. I decided to leave that link out, didn’t ask my webmaster to fix it.

Please read her reply: Done! It’s intriguing that there are so many issues, even though I’ve been posting the same way as always. Initially, I couldn’t log into the site and received a warning message (see attached). It took me 20 minutes to get clearance to access.

Targeted by attackers
truth-link disabled

We apologize for the inconvenience! You are being sent this message because your site has recently been targeted by attackers attempting to gain access to your WordPress Dashboard. In order to protect your site your WordPress Login page has been temporarily disabled.

Unfortunately, you will be unable to login to the Dashboard until the block expires.

Hmm, the time is Now Right, that ambush worked to perfection. Readers, Crazy Horse was an expert at ambushing the bluecoats which the guvment always sent after breaking each and every treaty that very same guvment proposed, swore to uphold and next signed into law and then recorded.

Those who seriously want to learn about Greatness, please study the lives of Red Men like Sitting Bull, Crazy Horse and Mangas Coloradas as mentioned in my prior note. Question for serious thought: Why were Red Men called Braves? Answer they were the Bravest Men  blacks and whites had ever seen.

The proof Lansdale was the “action officer” is this letter from Lt. Gen Viktor Krulak to Colonel Prouty, Krulak:

Mine has been a lively existence too. I had much to do with Vietnam from `64 to `68, and was loudly disenchanted with what went on and how. I recorded it as part of my book First to Fight that came out a few months ago.

I’ve also spent ten years in the newspaper business (a most useful education) and now write a syndicated weekly column. I wrote another book, Organization for National Security that resulted in my testifying before a Senate committee.

As to your chronicle concerning the JFK assassination period, I remember you going to Antarctica. I was in the Pentagon at the time of the tragedy but have no recollection where Lansdale was.

The picture, — the two policemen are carrying shotguns, not rifles. Their caps are different (one a white chinstrap, one black). One has a Dallas police shoulder patch, one does not and their caps differ from that of another officer in photo 4. Reasonable conclusion – they are either reservists or phony’s. And, as you know, city cops don’t have anything to do with Sheriff’s offices.

As to no. 1. That is indeed a picture of Ed Lansdale. The haircut, the stoop, the twisted left hand, the large class ring. It’s Lansdale. What in the world was he doing there? Has anyone ever asked him? And who was the photographer? Why did he take the pictures? What did he do with them?

I have examined my own records and find no clue that would help. Suffice to say, it is a fascinating proposition.

I am returning your pictures.

Best regards always.


Krulak’s signature

President Kennedy fired Allan Dulles and gen. Charles Cabell after the Bay of Pig’s fiasco.
Charles Cabell’s brother Earle Cabell was the mayor of Dallas in November 1963. And now you know Lansdale was in Dallas, at Dealy Plaza, as were phony cops, more cia. The damn architect of President Kennedy’s murder was of course fired cia director Allen pilgrims pack, cfr director Dulles, which is why he placed himself, with Johnson’s approval on the master mason led – warren cover-up commission.

Ladies and Gentlemen, we are making a difference and I have the powers that be in the palm of my hand, and they damn sure don’t like it when Little Bobby starts to squeeze.

Sleep Well