On Friday, Mr. Kris Millegan, who published The True Story of The Bilderberg Group, gave his permission to use photos from the book at truthlink.info. The first photo is Condoleezza bilderberg, trilateral Rice with her mentor, fellow cfr member McGeorge bilderberg, skull & bones, class of 1940, Bundy.

The photograph was taken inside the cfr’s harold pratt house on September 11, 1989, Exactly 12 Years Before SEPTEMBER 11, 2001. Brothers and Sisters, If You Only Knew.
Isn’t it special national security advisor on 9/11 Rice is one of the 10 brand new bastards and bitches handed alfalfa club medals in January 2002.
The brass in the back row is gen. James bilderberg Jones, the Marine’s black-hearted commandant on 9/11. Lots of recognizable faces in the pic including George skull junior’s rotten to his core brother, Marvin certified scum Bush. (far left front row)
Food for thought: Who has yet to accept the Fact the brass don’t care one way or another about anyone. Isn’t it now proven they will kill their own as well as citizens?
Who wants to continue down the current two-party democrat and republican in bed with the military system? To my way of thinking only fools and idiots would want to continue the insanity which is our political system.
Washington, Adams, Jefferson and Madison never envisioned this chaos. I was raised a hop, skip and jump from Monticello and Declaration of Independence writer, Sir Thomas Jefferson, would not put up with this bullshit for one month before reaching for his quill pen again.
Some may still be wrestling with the FACT: skull & bones mentored the damn cia’s director on 9/11, George cfr, trilateral wolf Tenet. If that is the case then please keep reading.
Interviews – Steve Coll | The Dark Side | FRONTLINE | PBS January 12, 2006:
George Tenet is a product of official Washington. He started as an aide to a lobbying group for solar power. He then worked for a long time on Capitol Hill, mainly for moderate Democrats. The most important mentor in his career was David Boren, a conservative Democrat from Oklahoma who chaired the Senate Intelligence Committee during a period where Tenet was his chief staffer. It was through Boren’s mentorship that Tenet moved from the Senate to the Clinton National Security Council [NSC], where he was in charge of intelligence, budgeting and decision making at a level that put him right at the heart of the bureaucratic process that is the intelligence community in D.C. For several years, completely out of the limelight, he worked at the NSC at the heart of this culture.
Please read what skull & bones founded (Henry Luce & Briton Haden) Time has to say. The CIA’s Secret Army: George Tenet’s Burden of Proof | TIME
February 3, 2003: When the burly 50-year-old took over in 1997, just a few people were being trained to spy abroad. Now scores of top recruits are moving through the system and into the field. Tenet’s power to energize and reshape the bureaucracy comes from his political skills. A long-time Democrat who worked on the staff of the Senate Intelligence Committee under then chairman David Boren, Tenet knows how to get the right information across and has earned the trust not just of CIA skeptic Bill Clinton but also of George W. Bush and his father, who once ran the CIA and whom Tenet occasionally briefed. “He’s tried to serve all his masters as fairly and as effectively as he can,” says the senior intelligence official. David alfalfa club, cfr Boren joined the skull & bones pack in 1963.
More: But Tenet has also made mistakes in his six years in the job. The biggest, say some critics, was failing to gain control of all U.S. spy operations, from the Pentagon to the FBI. “In 1998 he declared war on terrorism, and most of the intelligence community ignored him,” says former Senate Intelligence chairman Bob Graham. Critics say the situation has not improved much since the Sept. 11 attacks: the FBI has been slow to reform its internal-communications system, while the Defense Department has gone off in its own direction, trying to carve out new propaganda and analysis shops that would compete with the CIA.
Hmm, dia …trying to carve out new propaganda and analysis shops…Reality the release of the able danger program was dia propaganda, disinformation to keep the Focus off the Twin Towers and #7 which were dropped by controlled demolitions.
The other time a plane crashed into a New York City skyscraper Everyone knows the Empire State Building is Still Standing Tall. Please open the link and read for yourselves, thank you.
I have a question for crooked Popular Mechanic’s James Meigs, how do you like me now bitch?! https://www.popularmechanics. com/military/a2043/4220721/
Samaritan’s Purse COO says ‘we’ve got a lot of work to do’ for victims of Hurricane Helene | Watch After donating to Samaritan’s purse to help those in North Carolina. I sent an email: This isn’t the first time I’ve reached out to your organization, previously by mail. I asked those in the office to read my post pertaining to the church sold the Truth for a tax exception and to please watch Mr. Peter Ketchem’s 32-minute video presented by Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth and pass everything up to Franklin Graham. The response received said I would hear back from them in 3 to 5 days.
The link above is from Saturday, day six, and while Samaritan’s Purse performs good works, all remains the same, in that the Truth about September 11, 2001, is still being intentionally withheld/covered up by the church.