August 4, 2024

Early Sunday morning,

Please read six paragraphs from the link near the bottom of yesterday’s post:

At a black-tie dinner for journalists, Mr Bush narrated a slide show poking fun at himself and other members of his administration.

One pictured Mr Bush looking under a piece of furniture in the Oval Office, at which the president remarked: “Those weapons of mass destruction have got to be here somewhere.”

After another one, showing him scouring the corner of a room, Mr Bush said: “No, no weapons over there,” he said.

And as a third picture, this time showing him leaning over, appeared on the screen the president was heard to say: “Maybe under here?”

“If George Bush thinks his deceptive rationale for going to war is a laughing matter, then he’s even more out of touch than we thought” John Kerry Democratic Party challenger for the presidency

Mr Bush’s election challenger Senator John Kerry described the president’s attitude as “stunningly cavalier”.

Once Mankind knows for an absolute FACT George skull jr. and John bones Kerry are members of ivy league yale’s skull & bones, the deception as to who they really are behind the scenes, behind all the camouflage, the media orchestrated smoke screens, becomes Crystal Clear.

Now to Prove the level of secrecy the skull & dung pack operates under, please watch the 53 second video (shot in 2004), starring president George republican Bush and senator John democrat Kerry.

After watching the above, please read paragraphs from an April 12, 2002, yale daily news post.

It’s that time of year again, and tap-night fever is in the air. It’s a time when, more often than not, Yalies focus their dining hall conversations on the “ancient,” rather than the “elite” eight. The “ancient eight consortium” refers to those eight societies — Skull and Bones, Scroll and Key, Wolf’s Head, Book and Snake, Elihu, Berzelius, Mace and Chain, St. Elmo’s– that were first founded at Yale, and that have a consistent understanding about tap night policies. This year is no different than any other, with the induction process being received by the Yale community with mixed emotions.

Each of these institutions will induct somewhere between 14 and 17 new members this year, and each “We are really making an effort to be more diverse,” said one ancient eight society member beginning to embark on the tapping process.

“We are really making an effort to be more diverse,” said one ancient eight society member beginning to embark on the tapping process. “Society is about meeting people who you probably wouldn’t otherwise at Yale — and that’s what makes it so cool.”

“We interview between 40 and 80 people for the 16 spots we have available,” one society member said.

In these posts Readers are now aware of a member or members of the bones pack, scroll & key, book & snake and st. elmo; four of the “ancient eight consortium”. 
One of the better known elihu members was Al sorry assed Gore’s running mate in 2000senator Joe alfalfa pack, may he rot in hell Lieberman.
Alfalfa Club goes independent – KIKI RYAN | POLITICO CLICK Sen. Joe Lieberman (I-Conn.) was the star of the 97th annual Alfalfa Club dinner on Saturday night. He snagged the group’s annual mock nomination for president of the United States – and delivered a speech that both former Secretary of Labor Elaine Chow and Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) said was the funniest of the evening.

Lieberman told POLITICO: “I think that’s what surprises people: they don’t expect me to be funny,” adding that one of the best parts of this night every year is that people are “willing to laugh at themselves.”

The event, which is closed to the press, brings together some of the most prominent political names, both liberal and conservative, as well as business leaders. The Democrats got some of the best laughs of the night: Sen. Mark Warner (D-Va.) and Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner received praise from attendees.
More than 200 members and their guests gathered at the Capital Hilton Hotel for the event. When leaving, Warner confessed that former Ronald Reagan speechwriter Landon Parvin helped him write his speech – and it wasn’t easy to deliver: “It was one of those things that sounded like a great idea, until the last week I was terrified.”

As for Geithner, he was given the task of representing President Obama, who was not in attendance. Geithner read a letter from Obama, who poked a little fun at his stand-in. “Of course, I’ve had some political setbacks this year, and it could be worse. At least, they haven’t tried to replace me with Jay Leno,” Geithner read from the letter. “But look on the bright side … at least I’m not Tim Geithner.”

“The jokes are best when they make fun of themselves and I thought he did that very well,” Donna Shalala, former Secretary of Health and Human Services, told POLITICO.
Republicans were well-represented by their own comedian: Alfalfa Club President Sen. Kit Bond (R-Mo.) had a series of zingers, from saying he “would never bow to the Japanese Emperor. Just to Rush Limbaugh,” to a joke about Peter Orszag and his recent paternity scandal that is best not reproduced in a family newspaper.
Also in attendance were at least four former secretaries of state: Condoleezza Rice, Colin Powell, Madeleine Albright, and James Baker. Also spotted were President George H.W. Bush and Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.).

The guest list was not exclusively political. There was a small Hollywood contingent: actor Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson and singer Kenneth “Babyface” Edmonds. CEOs Alan Mulally of Ford Motor Company and Fred Smith of FedEx were there, plus a few members of the media: Charlie Rose, Wolf Blitzer and Suzanne Malveaux.
One guest who didn’t make it was Gov. Bob McDonnell. Republican fundraiser Fred Malek informed POLITICO that his guest was unable to make it as he was attending to matters in Virginia caused by the snowy weather.

With Malek instead were two other Republican governors: Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour and Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty. End quote.
Ladies and Gentlemen, please smoke on these notes as long as necessary, until Everyone realizes it is all a game within a game.

I plan to type more this afternoon.