…“ancient eight consortium” refers to those eight societies — Skull and Bones, Scroll and Key, Wolf’s Head, Book and Snake, Elihu, Berzelius, Mace and Chain, St. Elmo’s…
The Bush family’s proud “Christian heritage” is credited to James S. Bush, a yale grad in 1844. While at yale, eventual lawyer/preacher Bush was tapped and joined the third society, who changed their name in 1888 to wolf’s head.
The first w-h player Americans over 55 heard time and time again for his role in covering up Bill & Hillary Clinton’s trail of tears in Arkansas was “special prosecutor” Robert wolf’s head Fiske. After Fiske the next “special prosecutor” assigned the cover-up role was republican, Kenneth bohemian grove owl Starr.
America the owl pack meets yearly, every summer in Sonoma County, California and bastards like gen. Richard alfalfa club diner Myers, the acting joint chief’s chairman on September 11, 2001, and Bush family speechwriter, Christopher alfalfa club member, skull & dung Buckley are just two of the hundreds upon hundreds of Starr’s like-minded, black-hearted, owl pack – pals.
These links discuss bohemian grove where the owl pack meets yearly.
Richard cfr member, owl pack, enjoys a mass murder Myers is the bastard with hair, standing on gen. Hugh bastard Shelton’s right and slightly behind. (Myers smoke on to hell with you and every other mass murdering bastard in that photograph!!!)
https://web.archive.org/web/20160430081839/http://littlebobby.net/images/stories/pdf/alfalfa%202011.pdf is a link every Reader should save in Favorites. The names in bold are alfalfa club members and despicable scum like Donald cardinal Wuerl, then the archbishop of D.C. (the proven district of corruption) are proud to attend. Two of cardinal Wuerl’s fellow table 7 diners were supreme sludge Sandra Oconnor, the alfalfa’s incoming president, and current cfr chairmen emeriti, Carla Hills.
I reached out, mailed to cardinal Wuerl and then NYC’s archbishop in 2013 and gave those two 9/11 cover-up cons all of Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth’s cannot be refuted Detailed Information.
Ladies and Gentlemen, whether you like or hate me, matters not at all. My task is Show Everyone the size and scope, the depth of the 9/11 cover-up. I encourage everyone to start dealing with the Fact that every “religious leader” whether Christian, Muslim, Jew, Buddha, Shinto or the Dalia Lama etc., they are all players in the game within a game. And that is what MANKIND has to smoke on for as long as it takes until You The People come to terms with Reality.
https://publicintelligence.net/2018-bilderberg-participant-list/ See for Yourself who represented the damned vatican at bilderberg 2018. I know WHOM I serve, The MOST HIGH, Mankind’s CREATOR, and rest assured my LIEGE LORD, JESUS The CHRIST Knows ALL that is going on behind the scenes.
In my next note with my keyboard, my sword, I will slice and dice the Bush family into insignificant pieces. Between now and then please spread these notes and our website as far and wide as you can. Truth Link – READING IS FUNDEMENTAL – KNOWLEDGE IS POWER
Sleep Well