Sunday, September 29, 2024
At lies as usual – Trump and Biden promise to release all JFK files – Truth Link or here: Katzenbach Memo ( MEMORANDUM FOR MR. MOYERS, please read the katzenbach memo at least twice.
President Kennedy was murdered on November 22, 1963 and then assistant attorney general, future council on foreign relations director Katzenbach wrote his infamous Tell Johnson to put Hoover’s fbi in charge of the cover-up memo to another future council on foreign relations director, and also future bilderberg steering committee member Bill Moyers (who is still alive the last time I checked), Lyndon Johnson’s right hand, on November 25th.
There’s much more to it, so let’s get started. The first paragraph from Walter Cronkite’s bio at Wikipedia: Walter Leland Cronkite Jr. (November 4, 1916 – July 17, 2009) was an American broadcast journalist who served as anchorman for the CBS Evening News[1] for 19 years, from 1962 to 1981. During the 1960s and 1970s, he was often cited as “the most trusted man in America” after being so named in an opinion poll.[2][3][4] Cronkite received numerous honors including two Peabody Awards, a George Polk Award, an Emmy Award and in 1981 was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom by President Jimmy Carter. (Cronkite, the most trusted man in America.)
Jimmy former trilateral commission member Carter do you feel a sense of outright shame now? Jimmy that award ceremony is one of your sorriest acts as president.
JFK assassination: The fateful day in Dallas unfolds – CBS News November 22, 2013 –
CBS News: Walter Cronkite delivered the first, shocking news of the shooting, his voice heard over a black screen in a CBS News Bulletin: “In Dallas, Texas, three shots were fired at President Kennedy‘s motorcade in downtown Dallas.”
Less than a minute later he gave this grim prediction: “United Press says that the wounds for President Kennedy perhaps could be fatal.”
It was the start of four days of now-historic broadcasting branded in the country’s collective memory, from the announcement by Cronkite of John F. Kennedy’s death, President Lyndon B. Johnson asking for the country’s help; the fatally-wounded Lee Harvey Oswald being loaded into an ambulance; and at the end, the horse-drawn caisson carrying Kennedy’s flag-draped casket.
“These four days began in consternation and grief as the president was struck down and the nation struggled to comprehend the tragedy,” CBS News’ Charles Collingwood said at the conclusion of the special coverage. “They ended tonight with the focus on the new president, surrounded at a great reception by the leaders of other nations and their emissaries. That is the way nations survive. The president may die. The presidency must not.”
CBS News’ initial bulletin abruptly interrupted the soap opera “As the World Turns” with the reports that Kennedy had been seriously wounded. Jacqueline Kennedy grabbed her husband and cried out, “Oh no,” and the motorcade sped on, Cronkite said.
The president was raced to Parkland Memorial Hospital, but about half an hour after he had been shot, John F. Kennedy was dead, Cronkite told the country.
Question: How did Cronkite know immediately and announce as Fact: …three shots were fired at President Kennedy’s motorcade…?
Answer, Cronkite was reciting from memory the assassin’s pre-arranged script. In Dallas, those on the ground at Dealy Plaza, most said they heard at least 4 to 6 shots.
Earl Warren’s commission and J. Edgar Hoover’s fbi never, ever wavered from the script: three shots were fired, and both were master masons; lots of masonic sites confirm that. And Warren used to be the head mason over all of California’s masons.
Look over the list of players with “the most trusted man in America” at the owl pack’s bohemian grove (Sonoma County, CA) in 2008.
For starters, Walter L. Cronkite jr. was a member of the Hill Billies’ campground, the preferred camp of the skull & bones pack. Three skulls with Cronkite in 2008 include George class of 1948 Bush sr., former George skull sr. speech writer and Barack skull & bones toy, race baiter Obama supporter, Christopher class of 1975 Buckley, and bankster/gangster Bill class of 1950 Draper.
Ladies and Gentlemen, what are your thoughts towards the most trusted man in America now? There’s a lot to cover here and we are just getting started.
FBI 105-82555 Oswald HQ File, Section 3 ( Memo from Belmont to Tolson of 24 Nov 1963. This memo from the day before Katzenbach’s memo records the FBI’s plan to “set out the evidence showing that Oswald is responsible” for the assassination, and also lay out his Marxist/Soviet/Cuban connections. (Hmm set out the evidence showing that Oswald is responsible, imagine that. There you have the justice department’s fbi attempts to frame an innocent dead man.)
HSCA Testimony of Nicholas Katzenbach. Testimony concerning the memo itself begins on page 652. If you read this, notice then house of representatives (rats) member Christopher Dodd and the rest of the house select committee on assassinations quickly give Katzenbach a pass on his damning memo.
And let the record show future senator Chris democrat Dodd is a multiple time bilderberg. In 1999, Dodd and Chuck republican Hagel represented the rotten to its core senate when the bilderbergs held their gathering in Portugal (June).
Please track on your own the bastard and bitch senators at bilderberg 2000 & 2001. Bilderberg Meetings Participant Lists 1954-2023 | Public Intelligence
As best I can determine, the warren commission hid the katzenbach memo; his put the fbi in charge of the cover-up memo didn’t see the light of day until 1975.
There’s much to reflect on and it takes up lots of paragraphs to first show and then prove how corrupt this land’s media and guvment really and truly are. I know I have limitations as a writer, so please read the links and make your own informed decisions.