November 12, 2024
Former director cia Mike ring knocker, hudson high grad Pompeo can’t be “good people” or well-meaning as Donald Trump labeled him during his interview with Joe Rogan. Pompeo left West Point with an engineering management degree. He isn’t a structural engineer, but he knows, as well I do and Trump does, three concrete and steel building were imploded and dropped by controlled demolitions on September 11, 2001. All the science and eye test points to that; any other so-called explanation is a damn lie.
The only good thing about bad people Pompeo is – Donald isn’t going to bring the bastard back for round 2.
Second point: only certified scum accepts the post as evidenced by operation surge gen. David bilderberg Petraeus; gen. Michael cfr rat Hayden and former house of rats, cover-up bastard Porter cia all his adult life, yale secret society-book & snake member Goss exemplifies. Fact: Goss co-chaired the congressional 9/11 cover-up!!! And as soon as he could, George skull & bones jr. rewarded Goss with trilateral, cfr Tenet’s old job which they renamed, like that was supposed to change and correct things. From my perspective, some of what these conniving fools do is idiotic at best.
Former CIA Officer Exposes The Shadow Government | Candace Ep 100 – YouTube is hands down one of the top three interviews I have ever seen. This isn’t the first time I’ve tipped my cap/hat in Candace’s direction. July 4, 2024 – Truth Link
The first cia program discussed is operation mockingbird – mass media – print and tv on the cia’s payroll. The example Mr. Kevin Shipp uses is Washington Post editor & writer Bob Woodward, and that bastard is a member of yale’s book & snake too. I don’t know if Kevin has a handle on the ivy league’s secret societies, but I’ve made it a point to track them.
One member of scroll & key in plain sight, she hasn’t hidden it, is Angela Robbins and back in 2002 Angela published Secrets of the Tomb: Skull and Bones, the Ivy League, and the Hidden Paths of Power. Robbin’s book itself doesn’t contain much useful info unless you are new to this; on the other hand, the Ivy League, and the Hidden Paths of Power got my attention, so I started tracking all of the rotten to their core institutions.
Https:// One paragraph by Angela Robbins on May 11, 2012: After college, Mr. Himmelman heard of an opening as the assistant for Mr. Woodward, whose older daughter he had been friends with since the seventh grade. Mr. Himmelman said that the interview process was extra-rigorous, which he speculated was to make sure he could write even though he had no journalism experience, and to avoid allegations of favoritism, since he and Mr. Woodward belonged to the same Yale secret society, Book and Snake.
On page 5 of Sir Antony Sutton’s America’s Secret Establishment: An Introduction to The Order of Skull & Bones – Antony typed: Before we go further, we need to add a couple of important observations about The Order:
* It is a Senior year society which exists only at Yale. Members are chosen in their Junior year and spend only one year on campus, the Senior year, with Skull & Bones. In other words, the organization is oriented to the post graduate outside world. The Order meets annually – patriarchs only – on Deer Island in the St. Lawrence River. (After Sir Sutton’s Magnus Opus was published (mid 80s) the bones pack let their lodging on Deer Island deteriorate to a dilapidated condition. Why you might ask? Because a Great Man had their attention. You see, for the very First Time a spotlight, there they are, having a get together on their Deer island; was aimed at them.)
* Senior Societies are unique to Yale. There are two other senior societies at Yale, but none elsewhere. Scroll & Key and Wolf’s Head are supposedly competitive societies founded in the mid 19th-century. We believe these to be part of the same network…
They most certainly are, one example is wolf’s head member Kurt bohemian grove owl, cfr rat, trilateral wolf Schmoke. When he goes to bohemian grove, Schmoke camps with the hill billies, the skull pack’s campground of choice.
I hope some blacks will contact retired gen. William “Kip” Ward to ask that bastard – why are you current with your council on foreign relations’ rat pack dues?
Kip, you will be excited to know I’ll open a pdf of mine – the cfr’s 2008 Washington program next. Until then.