From: Robert Motch <>
Sent: Saturday, July 6, 2024 9:13 PM
To: Andrew Conolly <>; <>; Diana Hernandez <>; devvyk <>; will motch <>; <>; David Rhodes <>; Oleksiy Motch <>; Kelly David <>; Kristin Mitchell <>; Lucy Marie M <>; Edith Peoples <>; John LaSala <>; contactjeffrey <>; <>; Omar Sherdell <>; Rodrigo Medrano <>; Donald Motch <>; Jennifer Nesbit <>; <>
Subject: General Hugh Shelton and more of The Rest of The Story

July 6, 2024

Audiobook Excerpt from retired Gen. Shelton’s Without Hesitation

“8:33 am March 23rd, 2002, Fairfax, Virginia. I’d been poisoned in Vietnam and ambushed in Haiti. Instituted a war plan for invading Afghanistan and knighted by the queen. Attacked by the vice-president and prevented a high ranking cabinet official from precipitating global war by deliberately shooting down an American airplane.”

Hmm, deliberately shooting down an American airplane. Who besides a bastard or bitch fbi badge holder can’t see the blatantly obvious pattern here; a repeat of the same over and over again?

Hugh, I’m of the opinion dia (defense intelligence agency), nsa, fbi, or cia will soon be making these email notes available for you. I hope the secret service, a treasury agency, will provide the same for Mr. Jimmy.

Shelton, did you know the GOD please damn the cia, is a skull & bones dung founded, entity?!

Ladies & Gentlemen, please read three paragraphs.

In December 1940, Lovett was appointed special assistant for air affairs to Secretary of War Henry L. Stimson. At the same time, John J. McCloy became general assistant secretary, and Harvey H. Bundy became special assistant to the secretary of war.

In April 1941, Lovett was named assistant secretary of war for air, a position that had been vacant since Roosevelt’s 1933 inauguration. Lovett served with distinction, overseeing the massive expansion of the Army Air Forces and the procurement of huge numbers of aircraft during World War II. In awarding Lovett the Distinguished Service Medal in September 1945, President Harry Truman wrote, “He has truly been the eyes, ears and hands of the Secretary of War in respect to the growth of that enormous American airpower which has astonished the world and played such a large part in bringing the war to a speedy and successful conclusion.”[12]

President Truman refused to accept the resignation of Lovett and McCloy when they and Bundy gave their resignations in September 1945. On October 22, 1945, Secretary of War Robert Patterson created the Lovett Committee, chaired by Robert A. Lovett, to advise the government on the post-World War II organization of US intelligence activities, which led to the creation of the CIA.[13] [Foreign Relations of the United States, 1945-1950, Retrospective Volume, Emergence of the Intelligence Establishment, Document 32] End quote.

Hugh, I want my son, Dr. William Edward Motch (practices in Foley, AL) and you to know, one of Robert Abercrombie Lovett’s skull & dung 1918 classmates is Fredick Trubee Davison, a former cia director of personnel, and a name found more than once inside the late Great Eustace C. Mullins’ – Murder By Injection: The Story of the Medical Conspiracy Against America.

Will, in the fullness of time, please read Mr. Mullins’ – The Secrets of the Federal Reserve. Marie, it is Virginians like Mr. Eustace who get to the heart of the matter, reveal the dirt and filth swept under the table by the ivy league’s secret societies.

Hugh since you are proud to have knighted by the queen, I have some questions for you. Who packed the suitcases for the duke of Edinburgh when that master mason, pilgrims society scum bag was flown to Italy? 1965 Bilderberg Meeting | Public Intelligence

Answer, a wannabe “queen”, a certified player, whose first name is/was Elizabeth.

Shelton, who packed “prince” pilgrims society, chatham house hyena Charles’ odds and ends before 1986 Bilderberg Meeting Participant List | Public Intelligence that royal took a helicopter ride to Scotland? His mother.

So, know here and now, crooked king bastard Charles, if anything happens to my Precious Children, your punk bitch ass will answer to THE MOST HIGH!!!! And if there is anything you or any other shit-bird royal including the Saudis, would like to discuss, 417-356-5114, is my phone number. FACT: ain’t nobody foolin me. Reality: all of you are rotten to your cores.

Ladies and Gentlemen, I’m tired, I need to rest for awhile before taking up my pen again