August 7 and 8, 2024
Part 2
In Part 1, bohemian grove attendees in positions of power and influence, including international guvment politicians, Geroge skull senior’s cabinet plus business tycoons and mass media moguls, those player’s names were there for a definite reason. v=UsN8GZfox5c at the one minute, 15 seconds mark look at George skull Bush jr. standing behind the lakeside podium with George skull sr. on junior’s left. And there’s also a photo of “Contract with America”, Newt owl, alfalfa club member Gingrich giving his lakeside chat in 1995. Newt, ain’t nobody foolin me, so grasp if you can, not one two-bit nuthin is fooling The MOST HIGH.
From the link: He’ll be just one of the guys, for the weekend at least. House Speaker NEWT GINGRICH is set to attend the annual Bohemian Grove men-only retreat, which began on Saturday in Monte Rio, Calif., The Associated Press reported. The Speaker will be a few days late. His office said yesterday that he would arrive on Friday at the secretive gathering at which, on its busiest days, some 2,000 men gather to eat camp food and put on shows (some of them reportedly in drag), listen to speakers and bond on a 2,700-acre compound near the Russian River in Monte Rio.
Am sure we all agree – only the most powerful packs have their symbols and images on a nation’s currency.

Looks like a little owl to me, how about you?
Ever noticed how the front and back of a dollar bill are covered with spider webs? And since the owl pack’s motto is weaving spiders come not here, why all the damn webs on both sides of a dollar bill?

Please look carefully above the N, the D, first L and A in ONE DOLLAR. See for yourself the four spiders shooting/weaving their webs. The first time I ever read that was years ago after I typed it. I knew about the secretive/hidden owl, so I took a few minutes to study the back with all the masonic pack’s mumbo jumbo. And that’s when I noticed the four weaving spiders.
In David Alan Richards Skulls and Keys: The Hidden History of Yale’s Secret Societies, David writes former attorney general under Ronald owl, alfalfa club diner Reagan, yale grad Edwin owl Meese, is a member of spade and grave, nicknamed the diggers. Richards would know these things as he is a member of skull pack, class of 1967 David Alan Richards Literary, Social, and Legal Historian — BIO ( with Victor player/politician/ambassador Ashe etc.
David, is it in you to be the first member of any of ivy league yale’s secret societies to come clean on 9/11? Plus you know damn well I am not afraid of the bastards and bitches you regard as pals. Heck all men and women will die, that’s a given. That said, I have been calling your kind out into the street since 2007, and this time around Little Bobby Motch is kicking your butts up one side of New Haven’s main street and down the other. Reality, I’ve got all of you from cia director on 9/11 George trilateral wolf Tenet’s mentor, former Oklahoma governor and senator, David skull & dung, alfalfa club Boren, exactly where I want you, in the palm of my hand, so I can squeeze the fecal out of you. Unlike your pampered spoiled bitch ass, I’ve labored most of my life and always had a firm grip.
And just so you know, when I took down the trilateral wolf pack in Sept. 2021, that Victory gave me Insight into How, as well as the Confidence to bring it all crashing down on your egotistical, mass murdering, lucifer worshipping – heads!!!
MANKIND, from the link: In 2000, David was elected to the board of the Russell Trust Association, the corporate parent of the Yale senior/secret society Skull and Bones. Realizing that, unlike the five other Yale secret societies with “tombs,” his society had never had an official published history— and that no serious scholarly history of the society system existed—with the permission of his board (assured he would print nothing not already published elsewhere), he embarked on the writing of Skulls and Keys: The Hidden History of Yale’s Secret Societies.
Ladies and Gentlemen, my Sprit Man was led down a different path then the one had chosen for this note, so please read the entire link; due to there’s a heap of Knowledge into how the “game” within a game is played here in America, as well as Oxford, England the home – den site for the Cecil master mason Rhodes’ scholarships.
Sisters and Brothers, Rudyard master mason Kipling is David Richards’ hero. “In a dozen years, purchasing from Ebay, bookdealers, and at auctions in the U.S. and abroad, he amassed the largest collection ever of Rudyard Kipling works including several “only known copies.”
And: All 2,500 items were gifted to the Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library (to which, as a Yale student tour guide from 1963 to 1967, he led university visitors). The full-building exhibition of his collection at the Beinecke in 2007 was the occasion of his writing the Yale University Press-published catalogue, Rudyard Kipling: The Books I Leave Behind.
Until I was around 30, Kipling’s The Jungle Book was among my top, all-time favorites with Ralph Moody’s Geronimo: Wolf of the Warpath, Col. Patterson’s The Maneaters of Tsavo, J. A. Hunter’s Hunter, Jim Corbett’s The Maneaters of Kumon, Robert Ruark’s Something of Value and James Clavell’s Shogun. To me James Clavell was the best at describing Greatness. And Poland is my pick of James Michener’s for the most part interesting reads.
As a boy of 10 my favorite was Geronimo: Wolf of the Warpath. As I got older, I started to feel his pain and I’ve always admired Goyaate’s Iron Will and Bravery. A significant part of me Writes/Fights in His Honor and I know for an Absolute Fact, CREATOR Watched Over Geronimo. I type the same for this gone to hell country’s first President, mason George Washington. When America is rebirthed or Born Again, the first President will share Mr. George’s last name, a case of history repeating itself.
If all goes to plan, the new AMERICA’S second President’s last name is Lee, of Japanese descent and a fellow graduate of Albemarle County High School, to Honor the Finest Virginian ever born, Marse Robert E. Lee. The 3rd will be an Old School Cherokee and the 4th a Sioux in Honor, to Honor in my mind the Finest Man Who ever walked this earth, CHIEF SITTING BULL.
After which Red Men and Women will guide AMERICA until the anti-Christ makes his appearance.
There will be no congress at the state or federal level, no cabinet and damn sure no supreme court.
In that I assure everyone this country’s Founding Father, Mr. Thomas Jefferson, another Virginian, the sole writer of The Declaration of Independence, has my back.
Richards, I found The Maneaters of Tsavo, The Jungle Book and Hunter among my deceased father’s private collection of around 1,000 books. Like my Dad, Mr. Bobby Motch, Little Bobby is well read and over the years I set aside the time to give myself a quality education in subjects like Geography, Africa, History, the First Americans and the rotten ivy league’s black-hearted secret societies.
David do yourself a favor, read The Soul of the Indian and The Gospel of the Red Man. After which you will have a better understanding of What Love Is. Now grasp if you can the Red Nations north of the Rio Grande river, for the most part Lived The GOOD BOOK on a daily basis, a Truth which cannot be typed about another race of mankind.
Richards letters between Mazinni and your superhero Albert one of the sorriest ever Pike will soon be posted for Mankind to read. After that happens it will make sense to All why Pike’s remains are in D.C. https://www.washingtonpost. com/local/curious-about-that- spooky-masonic-temple-on-16th- street-lets-go-inside/2015/08/ 11/a06f9bbc-402f-11e5-8d45- d815146f81fa_story.htm the district of corruption.
Ladies and Gentlemen, I urge Everyone to watch JFK to 9/11 – It’s All a Rich Man’s Trick. Currently available in multiple locations https://topdocumentaryfilms. com/everything-rich-man-trick/ and https://www.documentarytube. com/videos/everything-is-a- rich-mans-trick/ and v=4oVpt_I9iQQ
After watching MANKIND will have a much better understanding of how evil the Bush family is, and the bones pack in general.
I am headed to Virginia today to celebrate Mrs. Emily Ruth Rhodes’ 100th Birthday, August 10. A Christ Centered Woman who has loved me like her own son. I have called Her “Ma” since I was a youngster.
Last night and today, my spirit was moved to show this land’s future, which is the new beginning for All Of US. The powers that be have/had planned to base and then launch their new world order from America, and I have chosen to Stand The Ground for All Mankind, every continent and island, not just bits and pieces, meaning individual races. For All of US!!!
Believe it or not, for me this is fun, I’ve always enjoyed a challenge, I have a competitive nature, and sooner than later most will see for themselves – the black-hearts regardless of skin color are no match for Mr. and Mrs. Donald Robertson MacBain Motch’s Red Hearted son.
Sleep Well