Professor Walter Veith:

In a letter dated, January 1870, Giuseppe Mazzini wrote to Pike, now Albert Pike is this high Mason who wrote this the manual if you like of Scottish Freemasonry. He said the following: “We must allow all of the Federation’s to continue just as they, with their systems, their centralized authorities, and diverse modes of correspondence between high grades of the same right, organized as they are at present, but we must create a super right, which will remain unknown, to which we will call those Masons of high degree whom we shall select. With regards to our brothers in Masonry, these men must be pledged to the strict secrecy. Through this supreme, right, we will govern all freemasonry which will become the one international center, the more powerful because its direction will be unknown.”

Now Albert Pike wrote a letter to Mazzini that was dated August 15 1871 in which he propagated that there should be a world order. A one order where all nations are under the control of one central organization and in order to achieve this they planned, and there are numerous quotes for this so I’ve put a number on the screen because someone said “don’t trust us. I don’t trust that, I don’t trust the other,” here are references down there, there are references up there, there will be references in other slides so it comes from different sources he said.

And this was by the way on display in the British Museum and could be seen there until it was taken away.

The First World War to overthrow the power of the czars in Russia protector of Orthodoxy and bring about an atheistic communist state.

Did that happen? Yes now that was written long before this event, long before this event this was written in 1871; this war broke out in 1914.

The Second World War it’s also written long before they went to war. Originated between Great Britain and Germany to strengthen communism as antithesis to the Judea Christian culture and bring about a Zionist state in Israel.

Did it achieve this objective? Yes in fact after this war Israel in its present form was reinstated under the protection of Britain, and then, interestingly enough, a Third world war.

A Middle Eastern war involving vaulting Judaism and Islam and spreading internationally. That’s fascinating is that on the cards, what do you think now? How were they going to do it?

Let’s read what Albert Pike wrote about these wars and how they were going to be unleashed he wrote quote: “we shall unleash the nihilist and the atheists so the destroyer and the atheist and we will provoke a formidable social Cataclysm which in its horror will so clearly to the nation’s the effect of absolute atheism origin of savagery in the most bloody turmoil then everywhere the citizens obliged to defend themselves against the minority of revolutionaries will exterminate these destroyers of civilization and the multitude disillusioned with Christianity will receive the pure light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer the destruction of Christianity and atheism both conquered and exterminated at the same time.”

Ladies and Gentlemen, please put “that” in your pipes and smoke on it for a good long while.

(3) Everything Is A Rich Mans Trick / Part 2 – YouTube You can watch Professor Walter Veith’s presentation beginning at 26 minutes, 20 seconds.


Fourth Reich Of The Rich : John LItteral : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive The information given by Mr. Veith is from Mr. Des Griffin’s Fourth Reich of the Rich, pages 68 – 72.


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